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Demonstration Guidelines

TCU recognizes the value of fostering discourse and encouraging the free exchange of ideas. Because the rights of free speech and peaceable assembly are fundamental to the educational and democratic process, TCU firmly supports all university community members’ rights to express their views, protest against actions and opinions with which they disagree, or both.  At the same time, all university community members share the responsibility to maintain a campus atmosphere consistent with the University’s mission to preserve the dignity and seriousness of University ceremonies and public exercises and respect the rights of all individuals. All members of the TCU community have the right to demonstrate on University premises, provided that they follow the letter and spirit of these Demonstration Guidelines.

  1. Demonstrations must be organized and implemented without violating policies University policies. Anyone intending to demonstrate must register the event with the University no less than 48 business hours in advance with the Dean of Students or their designee.  Under compelling circumstances, the Dean of Students may waive the 48-hour notification requirement.
  2. A student organization’s faculty or staff advisor must be present during the entire event if:
    • the event is publicized outside of the TCU Campus; or
    • so requested by the Dean of Students (or their designee).
  3. Demonstrations are limited to appropriate public forums – locations that, by tradition or university policy, can be reserved and are available for public assembly and speech.
    • Reservations for campus facilities/areas are required, and Student Affairs staff will work with the requesting parties to determine specific locations and event times during the registration process.
    • Reserved space must be suitable for the intended use and expected attendance.
    • Demonstrations cannot occur inside University buildings, including faculty or administrative offices, classrooms, and instructional facilities.
  4. Demonstrations may not block free entry or free exit of any building or space or interfere with free movement.
  5. Demonstrations may not, because of their timing, location, type of behavior, or for any reason, materially disrupt University activities, invade the rights of others, or involve substantial disorder.
  6. Demonstrators shall vacate the premises when ordered to do so by duly authorized University personnel.
  7. Through speech or action, demonstrators must not incite immediate violence or pose a clear and present danger to the campus community.
  8. No person or group shall interfere with an approved demonstration conducted under these guidelines.

If disputes arise over the interpretation of these guidelines, the Dean of Students will settle the conflict after the disputing parties have presented their concerns and opinions in writing. Violations of these guidelines may result in required participation in the conduct process.