The accused student has the right to a formal hearing before a conduct panel (excluding alcohol and community standards violations). At the Student Conductor Administrator’s discretion, the accused student may waive their right to a conduct panel hearing and instead, have the matter decided through an informal conduct discussion.
In either process, a student found in violation of a section of the Code by either a Student Conduct Administrator or conduct panel may appeal the hearing decision or sanction.
FAIR PLAY RIGHTS– The student involved has the right:
- To be informed in writing of the charges and the possible punishment.
- To have at least three school days in which to prepare a defense to refute the charges.
- To a hearing which should elicit information from both sides. If possible, the accused shall be able to face his/her accuser(s) and have the right to be advised by legal or other counsel.
- To be furnished a list of names of accusers and witnesses and a statement of facts they testified to, if the accused does not face his/her accusers. However, because of the close proximity in which students live and interact on campus, it is sometimes necessary to protect the anonymity of a witness or accuser. In such cases, the Dean of Students, or his/her designee, may verify the identity of a witness and accept a written statement from him/her without revealing the name of the witness or accuser to the accused.
- To present oral and/or written testimony.
- To remain silent about any incident in which s/he is a suspect. No form of harassment shall be used by a university representative to coerce admissions of guilt.
- To be advised in writing of the results of the hearing.
- To receive a transcript or audio recording of the proceedings, at the individual’s own expense, provided this is requested 24 hours before the hearing.
Right to Appeal
Any student has a right to appeal the decision and/or the sanctions assigned to them. Additional information on the appeal process can be found in the Student Handbook
Right to An Advocate/Advisor
Any student has the right to an advocate. This can be a person of your choice or can be provided through the Dean of Student’s Office.
Any member of the University community may make a complaint against any student for misconduct that violates the Code. Information brought to the attention of the Dean of Student’s Office alleging misconduct will be investigated or referred to the appropriate office for resolution.
- Complaints involving sexual violence, harassment and discrimination; dating or domestic violence; stalking; or retaliation should be directed to the Office of Institutional Equity at (817) 257-8228.
- For alcohol violations or community standards violations in
or around a university housing facility, direct the complaint to
the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
- For alcohol violations or community standards violations in or around a fraternity/sorority chapter facility, direct the complaint to the Office of Fraternity/Sorority Life.
Conduct records are educational records protected by FERPA. As such, the Dean of Student’s Office does not share information regarding conduct records with anyone outside of TCU without a student’s written consent, except in certain limited circumstances.
If you are applying to graduate school or a study abroad program, you may be informed that you need to have a Dean’s Verification form completed. If your school has provided a form for completion, please sign the form in the appropriate location and deliver it to the Dean of Student’s Office. You may deliver it by e-mail to, dropping it off in our office located in The Harrison, Suite 1600, or via fax at (817) 257-7314
You may have concerns about what impact your conduct records may have on your application. It is very important for you to honestly and accurately respond to the questions posed to you on the application. It has been our experience that the lack of accuracy or honesty on these forms is more problematic than the incident we are verifying.
If you are unsure of how to answer the questions, you may contact the Dean of Student’s Office at (817) 257-7926.
Copyright and Intellectual Property (Illegal Downloading & File Sharing)
Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted works, such as books, movies, photographs, video games, music and software, is a violation of federal copyright law. TCU supports strict compliance with federal laws regarding copyright infringement. Anyone who engages in illegal copying shall be subject to disciplinary action under TCU’s policies and may be sued in federal court by the copyright owner.
Refer to TCU Security Services for Digital Copyright Information regarding internet violation notices.
TCU does not monitor what pages a student views while connected to the TCU Network. Notices of Copyright Infringement are provided to TCU by the owner of the material. These notices inform TCU that a user connected to the TCU Network has violated federal copyright infringement laws. TCU has developed a response in coordination with TCU Information Technology department to respond swiftly and appropriately to alleviate any additional copyright infringement from occurring.
Suspected violations of this policy will normally be handled through TCU conduct procedures applicable
to the relevant user. In the course of such disciplinary procedures, TCU may:
- Suspend a user’s access to University Computing Resources
- Refer suspected violations of applicable laws to appropriate law enforcement agencies
What do I do after I receive a conduct notice letter?
- Contact your assigned Student Conduct Administrator using the information published in your letter.
- Refer to Code of Conduct for the description of violations and process
What’s the difference between an investigation conducted by the Dean of Student’s office and the Office of Institutional Equity?
- All alleged incidents of sexual violence, harassment and discrimination; dating or domestic violence; stalking; or retaliation are investigated by the Office of Institutional Equity using policies 1.008 and 1.009.
- The final resolution of the complaint is facilitated by the Dean of Student’s Office using a hearing process designed specifically to meet the federal Title IX regulations.
Are violations of the Code of Conduct considered criminal charges?
- No, violations of the Code of Conduct are not considered criminal charges. Actions by members of this community that threaten the safety and security of the campus are taken very seriously.
What is the difference between the informal and formal hearing processes?
- Formal hearing process: conducted before a conduct panel.
- Informal hearing process: the matter will be investigated and decided by a staff member.
If I am being charged with a violation of the Code of Conduct, will I get a chance to share my side of what happened?
- Yes, in both the formal and informal process, one may submit an oral or written statement and call upon witnesses to provide their perspectives.
If I am found in violation of the Code of Conduct, how do I file an appeal?
- The appeal must be in writing and received in the Dean of Student’s Office within three (3) business days of the date of the letter notifying the outcome of your hearing.
If I am involved in a conduct case, will my parents be notified?
- Our policy is to communicate directly with students on all disciplinary matters; it will be up to your discretion whether or not to inform your parents about the case. The Dean of Student’s Office may contact your parents under certain severe circumstances.
If I am involved in a contact case, will I be able to participate in university activities (i.e. organizations, competitive teams, leadership roles, events, etc.)?
- It is the intent of the conduct process to help students reintegrate with the University community; thus, participation in university activities are typically not limited. However, students who are issued an outcome of Conduct Probation are prohibited from leadership roles in the student organization.
How do I complete the required community service hours?
- Your outcome letter will provide details on hours and due date requirements.
Please refer to the Code of Student Conduct for details on violations and the University conduct process.,