Attendance Expectations & Official Absence Policy
Students frequently ask, “What do I do when I miss a class?” The University’s policy on class attendance is clear and straightforward. Regular and punctual class attendance is essential, and no assigned work is excused because of absence, no matter what the cause. Records of class attendance are the responsibility of the faculty, and every course’s syllabus should clearly state the instructor’s policy on class attendance and how attendance affects a student’s final evaluation in the course.
Students who miss an instructional experience are expected to meet with faculty as soon as possible to discuss their absence as soon as possible. If the cause of the absence is an illness, accident, or family emergency, each instructor should assist the student to make up any missed work. Time lost through such absences should not prejudice class standing. Faculty members should specify the appropriate timeframe for making up missed work. The Dean of Students Office can assist students by collecting appropriate documentation and notifying faculty about the documentation. Students can upload their documentation by clicking here: Document Submission Form. If the cause of the absence is less compelling (e.g. choosing to miss class, oversleeping), instructors may or may not permit the student to make up missed work, and may or may not assess a penalty for class absence.
Official University Absences
When a student is absent due to representing the University in an official capacity (as in athletics, chorus, band, national or state meetings of organizations represented at TCU), then an Official University Absence may be granted by the Dean of Students Office. Faculty/staff who wish to have an activity sanctioned for Official University Absence status must submit the names of all students, including date and hours absent from campus, to Dean of Students Office no later than one week prior to the date of the activity. Faculty are required to permit students to make up work missed because of Official University Absences.
Excused Absences Defined by State and Federal Regulations
Holy Day. In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 51.911 Religious Holy Days, an institution of higher education shall excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day. TCU’s policy for the Religious Observances and Holidays states that students must notify faculty or staff the first two weeks of the semester of their intention to be absent from class or the required event on their day(s) of religious observance. A faculty member may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the absence. For more details on this policy, please visit the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life’s webpage.
Active Military Service. In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 51.9111 Excused Absence for Active Military Service, when a student is called into active military service, including travel associated with that service, an institution of higher education shall excuse the student from attending classes or engaging in other required activities, including exams. The student may not be penalized for the absence and shall be allowed to complete assignments and exams within a reasonable time after the absence. The Dean of Students can assist students with verifying the excused absence by collecting and storing appropriate documentation and then notifying the student’s professors. Faculty are encouraged to work with the student to help them satisfactorily complete assignments and exams within a reasonable time. If assignments and exams are not completed within a reasonable time, faculty make take appropriate action.
If any of the following conditions are true, the faculty member should contact the Dean of Students Office:
- The faculty member is concerned for the student’s health or well-being, or thinks the student needs additional help.
- The student has had excessive absences in the class. (An instructor should not assume that continued absence from class indicates an official withdrawal unless so notified by the Registrar).
- The faculty member believes the student has been untruthful about the cause of his/her absence.
If the Dean of Students Office is working with a student regarding an emergency or ongoing personal concern(s) affecting the student’s academic performance, the student’s faculty will be notified by e-mail or telephone. Students are encouraged to use the resources of Dean of Students if an emergency situation occurs, or if assistance is needed to resolve individual concerns.