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3.2.13 Unprofessional, disorderly, and/or disruptive conduct

Any conduct that substantially undermines or interferes with the University’s mission.  Unprofessional, disorderly, or disruptive conduct includes breaching the peace or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace on University premises or at functions sponsored by the University or by members of the University community or in which members of the University community participate, or conduct which materially or substantially disrupts the functioning of the University. Unprofessional, disorderly, or disruptive conduct may include, but is not limited to the following:

a. Contemptuous or disrespectful behavior; lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct; public exposure; or public urination;

b. Use of a University restroom or locker room in an inappropriate manner;

c. Any unauthorized or attempted use of electronic or other devices to make a photographic, audio, or video record of any person or their personal items/ possessions without their consent that would be highly offensive to a reasonable This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures or video of another person in an intimate area such as a gym, locker room, changing room, or restroom;

d. Obstructing or impeding teaching, research, educational, administrative, conduct proceedings, and other University activities, including public service functions on or off-campus, or of other authorized non- University activities when the conduct occurs on University premises;

e. Obstructing or impeding the living and/or learning environment inside or outside the classroom (i.e. substantially or repeatedly interrupting any other student’s ability to learn or a faculty member’s ability to teach);

f. Demanding persistent and/or unreasonable attention from faculty, University officials, and/or other students which disrupts the academic environment of the University community;

g. Interfering with the functioning of the University;

h. Infringing on the reasonable expectations of other members of the University community to receive and/or provide an education free from undue distraction;

i. Hindering or preventing faculty members and/or University officials from carrying out their professional responsibilities;

j. Posting about the University or University community which causes a significant on-campus or off- campus disruption;

k. Participating in a riot or activity that disrupts the normal operations of the University and/or infringes on the reasonable expectations of other members of the University community for peaceful University premises or activities;

l. Interfering with the ability of students, faculty members, and University officials to peaceably assemble and/or distribute written materials;

m. Leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area; and/or

n. Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on University premises or at University sponsored or supervised functions.


As members of the TCU community, students are required to take responsibility for the impact of their behavior on other members of the community.

Any student who witnesses or has knowledge of behaviors that violate the Code and/or federal, state, or local law and fails to report the prohibited conduct to an appropriate University official, may be considered in violation of section 3.2.13.