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3.2.5 Tampering with safety equipment and arson

Use of equipment designed for safety or security in a manner inconsistent with the intended use of the equipment or intentional or unintentional use of flame or heat in a dangerous manner. Violators of this Code may also face criminal charges. Tampering with safety equipment and arson includes, but is not limited to:

a. Tampering with, covering, activating, or deactivating a smoke detector in a non-emergency situation whether done intentionally, recklessly, or by failure to exercise reasonable care;

b. Discharging a fire extinguisher in a non-emergency situation;

c. Tampering with, covering, activating, or deactivating a building alarm in a nonemergency setting;

d. Setting fires inside a building and/or on campus;

e. Tampering with, covering, or deactivating security cameras; and/or

f. Non-emergency or prank use of emergency telephones.