3.3.4 Facility damage
Acts that harm or otherwise negatively affect the appearance or structure of University facility exteriors, interiors, or furnishings, by failing to exercise reasonable care or in specific acts of vandalism, are prohibited. The following behaviors, among others, are prohibited:
a. Causing damage to University facilities, including residence hall bulletin boards. The cost of repair will be charged to the responsible party(ies). In University housing, if the individual(s) responsible cannot be identified, the charges may be prorated among all community members;
b. Moving public area furniture, decorations, and accessories to residential student rooms, including, but not limited to tables, trash cans, and University facility signs;
c. Damaging, altering, or disassembling University furnishings;
d. Painting and/or using spray paint inside or on campus sidewalks. Students will be charged the actual cost of restoring damaged property to the proper condition;
e. Improperly disposing of trash or discarding trash in University facility hallways;
f. Posting signs and notices without approval by the appropriate University official, including, but not limited to the Hall Director, Housing and Residence Life, or Fraternity and Sorority Life in University housing or the Information Desk in Brown-Lupton University Union, or posting approved signs and notices in unauthorized areas; and/or
g. Mounting televisions or other items to the facility structure (refer to Housing and Residence Life website for list of unapproved items in University housing).