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Health History and Immunization Records

Medical History-Immunizations Policy

All new students, regardless of academic classification, must submit a completed TCU Student Health History Form. This form can be found on the Student Health Portal under Forms. Additionally, students must submit an immunization record showing the required immunizations.

Texas law requires all new students under the age of 22 to show evidence of having been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis (Meningitis A). The student must be vaccinated within five years of the enrolling semester. The law is required of all new and transfer students. Students re-enrolling after a leave of absence must ensure that their meningitis is still within five years of the semester for which they are re-enrolling. Students should submit their immunization records on the Student Health Portal. Information on new student health compliance is available on the Health Center website.

Students must be compliant with the above health requirements prior to registering for classes or enrolling in TCU housing.