Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan Policy
The University recognizes that in an alcohol or other drug-related emergency, the fear of potential disciplinary action by the University may act as a barrier to students seeking medical assistance for themselves or others. To reduce the harmful and potentially fatal consequences of alcohol and drug overdose, the University has a Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan policy that seeks to ensure that students concerned about those around them will call for medical assistance when faced with an alcohol or drug-related emergency.
Medical Amnesty exempts students from formal University discipline (alcohol violations, fines, etc.) for those receiving emergency medical attention as well as for the individual(s) who contact TCU staff for assistance (Good Samaritan). To obtain Medical Amnesty, the altered student must have received emergency medical evaluation and followed the advice of the emergency responder. In addition, both the altered student and Good Samaritan student may be required to participate in follow-up meetings with the Substance Use and Recovery Services Office and/or the Counseling Center, University Housing and Residence Life or Fraternity and Sorority Life staff, and the Dean’s Office, and comply with recommendations that these offices might prescribe. The Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan policy applies only to cases of alcohol or other drug-related emergencies except as provided in the Immunity for Sexual Assault Reporting Policy. The Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan policy does not excuse co-occurring Code of Student Conduct infractions except as provided in the Immunity for Sexual Assault Reporting Policy.
If an individual receives emergency medical assistance on more than one occasion due to excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, the situation will be evaluated by the Dean of Students (or designee) who may recommend additional resources or sanctions.